For our 2017/2018 winter retreat, we are hosting a ten-month book discussion of Nothing To It by Br. Phap Hai. Starting on Nov 15, we will discuss a chapter per month on every first Sunday.
Note: You do not have to read the book in advance to participate. If you do, please write down anything relating to your own life and practice that you would like to share with the group so that others may gain insight from your practice.
Practice will also include sitting and walking meditation.
Winter Retreat
During Winter Retreat we offer ourselves an opportunity to develop focused attention, to release our scatteredness, and let go of some of our busyness. Also, we do our best to consider each of our activities as our spiritual practice. Br. Phap Hai reminds us that Buddhism is not about gaining a lot of intellectual knowledge, but is about transforming our hearts and waking up to our own real life situations.
As we encounter the teachings in this book, let us reflect on how they relate to our own lives, our own practice. How is this teaching speaking to me right now? How is it touching my heart right now?
Winter retreat is an opportunity to make a few simple commitments to support our spiritual practice. Keep it simple so we enjoy our commitments and the fulfillment of keeping them.