The Mountain Solid, Water Reflecting Sangha hosted the “Peace Is Every Step” retreat with Leslie Rawls on October 26-28, 2018 at the Well Being Retreat Center in Tazewell, TN.
Retreat Description
What are we nourishing in our daily lives? Are we busy and distracted? If so, this retreat invites us to stop, step aside from our busy lives, and simply rest. Are we cultivating peace and understanding in daily life? If so, this retreat will help us rest and center so those seeds blossom more fully. Although the retreat will be largely in silence, our study and practice will rest on the Buddha’s teachings on mindfulness, particularly mindful consumption through our six senses.
Enjoy these photos from the retreat!
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The Mountain Solid, Water Reflecting sangha is a mindfulness meditation group in the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh. We welcome all individuals to join us on Sunday afternoons at the West Knoxville Friends Meeting House.
Virtual Sangha Option
Concerning the coronavirus (COVID-19) and aware that the health of our community is very important to us, we offer the option to meet online if you are not comfortable gathering in person. If you would like to join us virtually, contact us and request meeting details. Please exercise caution and stay current with public health recommendations.