The Mountain Solid, Water Reflecting Sangha first met on January 4, 1988. It was started by three therapists—Laurel, Linda, and Lorrie—who were inspired by The Sun My Heart and other books by Thich Nhat Hanh. What began as a small group of new practitioners has blossomed to almost 100 members, with several Order of Interbeing ordinees and a care-taking council, which hosts a creativity group, days of mindfulness, retreats, and other events.
We are grateful to the West Knoxville Friends for graciously lending us their peaceful and inviting meeting house for all these years. We look forward to sharing the Dharma for many decades to come!

Sangha 20th Anniversary Dinner
On Feb 18, Sangha members, family, and friends celebrated our 20th anniversary of studying, sitting, walking, and sharing together at Viet Taste in west Knoxville.